How To Transform Customers Into Brand Advocates With NPS

Brand advocates have always played an integral role in business success – they actively purchase from your brand and they rave about the experience to others. 

The result? An increase in revenue and a major boost in brand reputation.

Creating brand advocates, however, isn’t always a simple undertaking. In fact, it can take years of nurturing and capital to convert a customer into a brand advocate

So the question then becomes, what steps can you take to start building loyalty effectively?

In this blog post, we’re sharing how an NPS survey paired with a customer experience platform can help you build brand advocates and also drive new business.

Using NPS To Generate Brand Advocates

In its simplest form, a Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a solid and simple way to gauge customer loyalty. Using a single phrase question; “How likely are you to recommend our product or service to friends, family, or colleagues?” brands can better understand the experience and how they’re being perceived. 

However, with today’s digital demands and the need for personalized experiences, simply sending a single NPS question and waiting for a response isn’t enough. Customers want more tailored experiences and brands need more data in order to drive results. 

Advantage of Using The Loop Platform for NPS 

With the Loop Experience Platform, you can take your NPS survey to the next level with a range of advantageous features. Here we share some of the many ways, you can use Loop in order to take action and ensure your business’ biggest fans keep coming back.

Get Granular 

Sending a single NPS question is a great strategy if you’re looking for high-level data, however,  what if you want more granular insight like: location visited, product/service received, or employee names? With Loop, granular insight is possible with a range of question formats like multiple choice, pick list, star ratings, open-ended questions and more. Follow up your NPS question with an open text box question and ask the customer for details on their experience. Whether your customer is happy or unhappy, Loop can read the text and provide you with sentiment to save the experience. 

Further, you can leverage Loop’s conditional logic feature that can change the course that respondents take in an answer-based survey. This makes the survey more relevant and quicker to complete – so you can start collecting data to improve the experience in a way that builds brand advocates. 

Personalize Surveys

According to a recent survey of 1,000 US adults conducted by Epsilon and GBH, customers today have grown to expect and desire personalized experiences, with the vast majority (80 percent) stating they want personalization.

With Loop, you can meet customer demands by incorporating their name in a survey, mentioning a specific product in an automated email, or providing a personalized thank you at the end of survey completion. Personalization is valuable to customers, in addition to assisting you with upsells and building a relationship with the customer to keep them coming back.

Benchmark Various Tounchpoints and Locations

Understand NPS within specific touchpoints of your establishment, in addition to various locations. Using Loop you can centralize location-based feedback, and prompt customers when they enter a specific geofence area of your establishment. By doing this, you can segment feedback to better understand how specific areas of your establishment are performing. For instance, if you’re a school, you can collect NPS from the gym facilities and understand how to tailor that exact touchpoint to your students – so they can continue to praise the experience.

Further, if you’re a food chain, a school with multiple campuses, a chain hotel, or just have multiple establishments, you can measure all locations and compare them against each other. In that, you can see which establishments are top-performing and where to allocate resources and time. This ensures that the customer receives a consistent experience regardless of what touchpoint or location they are in. 

One Consolidated Platform

Regardless of where your customer writes in from or the number of customers who write in, all NPS feedback is collected and consolidated into a single inbox on the Loop Platform.

This simplifies the uplift on your employee’s end, as they no longer have to toggle through a plethora of emails, social channels, or text messages to write and respond. With Loop, employees can effortlessly access the inbox and respond to feedback – making responses faster for customers, improving overall satisfaction.

Further, using the platform, employees can also respond on their device of choice. Whether they’re on the go with a mobile app or stationed at a desktop in the office, customer feedback can be viewed and easily accessible – so no customer message is left unread.

Analyze Feedback 

Using the Loop platform, you get more than just the NPS survey response, you get a hoard of information like location, preferred channels, social profile (if used), trending topics and more.  

With trending topics alone, you can better the experience by seeing what the major conversation topics are – so you can tailor the overall experience to the customer and address any sentiments in real-time. Further, Loop’s heat maps simplify those topics, providing interactive visualization of the topics from customer comments within your account. This makes it simple for employees to digest and ensures you’re taking action on what matters.

Real-Time Data To Take Action

Get responses from NPS in real-time, so you can address issues in the moment and build loyalty.  

Using the Loop Platform, you get a real-time, daily, weekly, monthly or custom time period view of all your location-based information. This allows you to act on data and ensure you’re providing the best service possible. For instance, let’s say a customer is onsite at your patio, providing a review that states they haven’t had the best service. Management is notified the minute the customer hits send and can walk out to the patio to have a conversation with the customer. This attention to customer satisfaction gives you the opportunity to correct service and build advocates. 

What’s more, with Loop, you can go one step further by gamifying the experience. With real-time data, management can notify employees on how well individual and overall performance is, and reward the top performers with a prize. In addition, using the Loop Scoreboard, front-line employees can see customer responses as they come in to constantly motivate them while they’re working. This not only makes the workplace fun, but ensures customers are always receiving the best service possible.


When sending out your NPS Survey, using a customer experience platform in parallel can make a massive difference in whether a customer becomes a brand advocate. If you’re looking to start making a change in your surveying and collect key data to improve the experience, we can help! Talk to a representative today by clicking here.

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