Take the Next Step To EventCamp

For years Benbria has worked with our partner Tripleseat to bring automated customer feedback to their clients. Loop integrates with Tripleseat at 4 key moments in the sales process: pre-sale, post-sale, pre-event and post-event. We are thrilled to announce we will be going to the Tripleseat annual event, EventCamp in Boston on May 3, 2023. 

Now what is EventCamp? EventCamp is an incredible one day event “designed specifically for hospitality sales and event managers in mind”. It is a great opportunity to hear from other people in the hospitality industry who are looking to drive their business forward. But why attend EventCamp? In this blog post we look at the 5 key reasons why EventCamp should be on your calendar this year! 

Why You Should Come to EventCamp?

1. Networking

The number one reason to ever attend any tradeshow or event is to network! Meet new people who are in your industry and make valuable connections – you never know when those connections will come in handy. Talk to industry experts and see what they are doing to be successful. By talking to people in your industry you will gain greater insights about how you can improve your business. Reach out to those connections post-event and continue to build them, knowing the right person at the right time can make or break your business. 

2. Learn New Tools

Explore EventCamp and learn about new tools to boost your business that you might not have heard of before. Talk to the people leading those companies to find out how what they do can help you succeed. You can discover the latest industry trends that will help drive your business forward. Talk to industry experts about what tools they use and which ones they find work the best to help drive business. By talking to people you can discover new tools and trends that you may not have heard of before, that could help make major improvements to your business. 

3. Collect Feedback 

Now this is two fold. You can discuss with other event managers, hospitality professionals and industry leaders about your business and get their feedback. You can also come and visit our table and figure out how Loop can help improve your events run in Tripleseat. We do this by collecting feedback from customers at 4 moments of truth in your sales process. This will help you collect feedback from your customers to improve the customer experience when booking an event with your venue. Loop also provides valuable insights into the feedback that can help you make the best decisions based on customer feedback

4. Learn Best Practices & Gain Industry Knowledge 

With all of these incredible people gathered in one place it is a great time to share some industry knowledge! There will be information sessions with guest speakers who will discuss best practices, tricks they have learned and most importably how you can apply their knowledge to your business. By learning this valuable industry knowledge you can take home new industry knowledge and apply it to your business. 

5. Have Fun! 

If it is one thing that hospitality shows know how to do is have fun! Getting the opportunity to talk to people who are passionate about what they do for a living and how they have been successful – what could be more fun than that?! You can get the inside scoop on the best places to stay, eat and visit when you travel to a new city and already have made friends with all the best people. With people who host events for a living, getting everyone together in one place is sure to be a blast! 

Attending EventCamp is going to be so much fun! We are excited to be taking the next steps to help you grow your business and be successful! Getting to know new people, exploring new ideas and discussing how to improve your business is guaranteed to be a hectic and fun filled day. We look forward to meeting each of you there and discussing how Loop can collect feedback from your customers to improve your business! See you on May 3 in Boston.


Interested in learning more about the Loop Experience Platform’s Integration with Loop? Check out Partner Integration Page or Request a Demo today! 

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