
Customer Service
‘Tis the season to be jolly, and at the North Pole, Santa Claus isn’t just making lists and checking them twice—he’s also collecting feedback! That’s right, the man in the red suit doesn’t just rely on elves and reindeer to ensure a successful Christmas; he values feedback from children around the world to make the...
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Customer Feedback Survey
In today’s competitive landscape, understanding your customers is key to success. Businesses thrive when they truly grasp their customers’ needs, desires, and pain points. Enter the customer feedback program—a strategic tool that enables companies to gather invaluable insights directly from their clientele. But not all feedback programs are created equal. To maximize their impact, businesses...
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Woman holding floating 5 star reviews
In the ever-evolving world of business, the line between great and bad customer experiences is razor-thin. In an era where competition is fierce and consumer expectations are continually on the rise, delivering exceptional customer experiences has become paramount. But what exactly separates the great from the bad? In this blog, we’ll delve into the key...
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Company Culture
Customer experience has become a key differentiating factor in most companies. Companies should be fostering a customer-centric culture that prioritizes feedback, engagement and strives to continuously improve across all areas. Loop offers companies a platform to excel in these areas. This allows for both a positive customer experience and positive employee experience. In this blog...
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In this blog, we talk about the value of measuring the customer experience, why it’s so crucial and the benefits that follow.  But how can you be sure you’re in need of a measurement program?  Today, we’re uncovering 4 critical signs, it’s time to start measuring the experience. 4 Signs To Start Measuring the Experience...
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Customer Complaints
Collecting and resolving complaints is an essential part of business.  While collecting them helps you better understand the customer, resolving them effectively can help you recover experiences, build a solid reputation, and ultimately drive loyalty.  So how can you resolve a complaint effectively? In this blog, we’re unpacking the multi-step process of dealing with customer...
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Businesses Using CX
The relationship between business and customer has changed greatly over the years.  In the past, businesses held the power, offering their service or product without the need to consult customers.  And while that may have worked in the early 2000s, today the modern customer holds the power. With increasing competition, competitive prices, and the ability...
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Nurse talks to patient at long term care home
To showcase the potential of measuring the patient experience in long-term care, we're unpacking the return you can see from implementing a feedback program.
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Healthcare patient looking at their phone
By using a feedback program along with sophisticated technology supporting your staff, you can measure the in-patient experience and build a thriving clinical environment. In this blog, we explore how you can start by measuring the in-patient experience and the benefits that follow.
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Engage Customers
Traditionally, point of sale (POS) has been recognized as the end of a customer experience. A customer approaches the till, an employee checks them out, and they’re on their way. 
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