Make Loop an Integral Part of Your Company Culture

Customer experience has become a key differentiating factor in most companies. Companies should be fostering a customer-centric culture that prioritizes feedback, engagement and strives to continuously improve across all areas. Loop offers companies a platform to excel in these areas. This allows for both a positive customer experience and positive employee experience. In this blog post we explore how you can integrate Loop into your company culture with a complete customer experience solution. 

Emphasize the Importance of Customer Feedback

The first step in making Loop an integral part of your company culture, is explaining to your team the value of customer feedback. Talk to them about how customer feedback affects your company, what you do with the feedback collected and how it can have a positive impact. Discuss the role that Loop plays in collecting and analyzing feedback to make data-driven decisions and meaningful customer-centric improvements. It’s important to emphasize that every member of your team has a role to play in delivering exceptional customer experiences. 

Incorporate Loop into Personal Performance Metrics

To help reinforce Loop within your company culture, ensure you are incorporating it into employee metrics. Set SMART goals related to customer feedback, and give team members shout-outs if they get mentioned within positive customer feedback. Recognize and reward employees who engage with customers and encourage them to provide feedback through Loop. By linking Loop with employee metrics, you are giving them a stake to ensure that the program is a success. 

Provide Training and Support

We have all been given tools from our bosses that we don’t know how to use or why it’s important to the company. For employees that will use the Loop Platform, make sure they have been provided the proper training and support. By staying up to date with the latest releases and improvements to the platform, it helps your team understand how Loop works. Employees who don’t receive any training or support may end up getting frustrated and won’t use the program. This will greatly limit your ability to collect customer feedback effectively. 

Recently had a turnover with one of your Loop users? Does the new employee require more training? Check out our Help Centre, for tons of amazing resources to help you use the platform to its full potential. If you aren’t able to find what you are looking for there, please reach out to and one of our customer success specialists will be in touch with you shortly. 

Celebrate Success

Once you start making positive changes based on customer feedback, then celebrate that success – no matter how big or small! Share stories with employees and through social media about how feedback collected using Loop has helped you make meaningful, customer-centric improvements to your company. This helps highlight steps your company is making to improve the customer experience. This will improve customer loyalty and show your customers that you value their feedback. 

Continue the Conversation

Ensure that the Loop Platform is a continuous topic of conversation. Share regular updates with team members on the program, changes you are making to the program and successes from Loop. This could be in monthly meetings, email updates or other opportunities to gather employees to share company successes. Keeping Loop top of mind for employees, ensures that they continue to collect feedback from customers and promote the program. 

Making sure that any program is ingrained in company culture takes time, effort and buy-in from employees. Showing your team the importance of utilizing the Loop Experience Platform will encourage them to promote feedback collection to customers. This will make an overall positive impact on your team and with your customers. These suggestions will help to foster a customer-centric culture that will drive exceptional customer experiences in all areas of your business.

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