Tips and Tools: Incorporate a Daily Loop Check Into Your Operations

When your front-line staff prepare to welcome guests each morning, chances are they do a routine check that everything is in order. In a restaurant, for example, it’s likely that they stock the condiment caddy with packets of ketchup and salt, wipe down tables and counters, and fill the napkin dispenser. In fact, we’re betting it’s an integral part of their job.

It’s equally important to ensure your Loop kiosk and collateral are in order before you open. Crisp, visible signage and a fully functioning machine are key to receiving real-time opinions from your customers. With that in mind, here are some ways to make Loop a part of your opening routine.

Have staff check equipment connections every morning

Is the kiosk plugged in? Is it connected to the correct Wi-Fi network? Are the screens on the tablet and scoreboard turned on and displaying Loop? Your guests can’t submit loops if the kiosk isn’t working properly, and your staff can’t use the scoreboard to take action if it’s not updating.

Bonus Tip: Try sending a test Loop each morning with a comment — “Daily Test”, for example — then check to see if it turns up on the scoreboard and in the inbox.

Keep the equipment clean

Give the equipment a quick wipe-down to remove fingerprints, smudges, and crumbs from the screens. Guests will be more inclined to use equipment that looks well-cared for.

Take care of collateral

Replace old and frayed signage, table tents, posters, and table clings with new ones as necessary. Ensure all signage is prominently displayed so your customers know they can use the kiosk.

Review the daily email digest for yesterday’s feedback

Encourage staff by reading out compliments, but also touch on areas that need improvement. Adjust breaks as necessary to accommodate busy periods or change scheduled activities to improve coverage at times when you received negative scores.

Don’t forget to check the weekly reports, too

They’ll help you identify your actionable problem areas. Do you find you’re getting more negative feedback at 2 p.m. every Tuesday? It’s probably because you don’t have enough staff scheduled on those days to accommodate an unexpected rush. But with this information in hand, you can adjust staffing levels to improve service and ratings.

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