Brand Survey: This is the best way to track how customers feel about your brand image. It gives you great insight into how customers view your brand and what they like/ don’t like about the brand image. In can also provide valuable insight to what part of your brand that customers are paying attention to and that your reputation management and that any charity initiatives are noticed and important to your customers.
Client Survey: These are the surveys sent to customers to determine how satisfied they are with your product or service. This is also known as a CSAT Survey (Customer Satisfaction). For more information on how to create a great CSAT Survey please click here.
Customer Effort Score Survey: This survey is typically done after an interaction with a customer service team. This helps to determine how well your customer service team is preforming and if your customers are happy with the service they are receiving. One of the questions in this survey should be determining your Customer Effort Score (CES). For more information on how to create a great CES Surveys please click here.
Customer Experience Survey: This is a more general survey that you send out to see how satisfied customers are with their experience in your store or on your website. Ensuring clients receive great customer service is key to turning casual customers into loyal customers. To learn more about Customer Experience (CX) Surveys please click here.
Customer Satisfaction Survey: This survey is done periodically to figure out how happy customers are with a company’s product or service. This can also be used to figure out if there is anything that the customer thinks a company is lacking and area’s they could improve on. To learn more about CSAT Surveys please click here.
There are a couple key things you need to know before writing a survey. These tricks will help you get a higher response rate and accurate survey results!
Best Customer Survey Questions: The best customer survey questions are the ones that ask good questions that allow you to find what customers like and don’t like about their experience with your brand. Using rating scales are very helpful, as they allow customers to easily rate a quality or service and compare it to how they rated other questions.
Use Survey Logic: Survey logic is when a respondents answers a question a certain way and it takes them down a different path than if they had answered it a different way. This is a great opportunity to find out more about why respondents answer the questions the way they do and can help determine the root cause of their answers.
Boolean (Smiley’s & Thumbs): These question types prompt the respondent to select from two possible values, rating their experiences as either positive or negative. This question type requires little effort on the customer’s behalf, allowing for quick and convenient collection of customer satisfaction feedback.
Comment-Box Questions: The comment-box question types allows the respondent to compose a custom message that will be sent to your inbox. This is useful for collecting specific feedback and comments on aspects of the service that go beyond the provided survey.
CSAT Question: The Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) question type presents the customer with a scale ranging from 1 to 10, corresponding to their satisfaction with a given service (1 representing low satisfaction and 10 representing high satisfaction). CSAT helps you to gather a customer’s satisfaction at key points in a transaction or through an interaction with your organization. By offering 5 tiers of choice, the customer can provide more specific metrics while keeping the answering process quick and simple.
Customer Effort Score (CES) Question: The Customer Effort Score (CES) question type presents the customer with a scale ranging from 1 to 10, corresponding to their agreement with a given statement about the service (1 representing strongly disagree and 10 representing strongly agree). The intention of using a CES question type would be to gauge the ease of an experience a respondent has been through. By offering 5 tiers of choice, the customer can provide more specific metrics while keeping the answering process quick and simple.
Five Star Question Types: The five stars question type prompts the customer to rate an aspect of the service through selecting up to five stars. This is a quick and simple way for customers to give valuable feedback on an aspect of their experience.
Net Promoter Score (NPS) Question Type: This is an index used to measure a variety of different levels of sentiment with customers. It can be used to gauge satisfaction with a product or business practice. It can also be used to categorize a customer’s overall satisfaction with an organization.
Text Entry Question Type: The text question type presents the customer with a field where they can submit a custom response of their choice. This allows for the collection of more detailed insights and opinions on specific areas of a service.
For more information on Benbria’s Loop Question types please click here.
Importance of In-the-Moment Surveys: In the moment surveys are important because the customer’s interaction with your product or brand is still fresh in their minds. In-moment surveys usually take place at the checkout counter or as a pop up survey on the website before they check out.
POS Feedback Survey: A Point of Sale (POS) Feedback Survey could be displayed a number of different ways:
Survey Kiosk: This is having a physical kiosk where customers can go to take the survey. Having a physical kiosk allows for higher customer engagement and more consistent feedback. This could also provide your employees with real time feedback for how well they are performing.
How to Prioritize Customer Feedback: Prioritizing customer feedback can be challenging. Here are some helpful hints to determine what you should prioritize: