15 Statistics You Need To Know About Generation Z Consumers

Generation Z (Gen Z) is a rapidly growing demographic with a lot to say. Born between the years 1997 and 2012, they’ve emerged as a digital savvy cohort that thrives off of quality connections and personalized experiences.    

Today, they make up over 25% of the US population and although they’re mostly compromised of young adults, they play a significant role in market trends and help determine where household income is spent.                                                                                                                                     

As a generation whose influence has been growing tremendously, winning over their business is a great source of revenue and an immense competitive advantage. Today, we’ve compiled 15 statistics about the Gen Z consumer to help you better understand what they want from your business.

  1. Gen Zers influence $600 billion of family spending. Source: Chamber of Commerce
  2. Whereas Millennials use three screens on average, Gen Zers use five: a smartphone, TV, laptop, desktop, and iPod/iPad. Source: International Business Times
  3. Fifty-five percent of those 18 years of age and younger would rather buy clothes online, and 53% would rather buy books and electronics online. Source: JWT Intelligence
  4. Market research shows that 85 percent of Generation Z learns about new products on social media and are also 59 percent more likely than older generations to connect with brands on social, too. Source: Nielsen
  5. Opinions that Gen Zers get from their social networks are extremely powerful, influencing 8 out of 10 individuals to shop at a retailer they have never shopped at before. Source: Marketing Charts.
  6. Gen Zers have an average attention span of 8 seconds as compared to the 12-second attention span of millennials. Source: Forbes
  7. 77% believe they will need to work harder compared to those in past generations to have a satisfying and fulfilling professional life.  Source: Robert Half
  8. When asked about their most acceptable type of branded content 79 percent of Gen Zers thought a celebrity talking about why they like a brand was “always acceptable or sometimes OK.”  Source: Adweek
  9. 64% are more likely than other generations to trust somewhat or completely the content on mobile apps from brands, as well as text messages from brands. Source: Grail Research
  10. Gen Z’s most used tech devices are the smartphone (15.4 hours/week), TV (13.2 hours/week) and a laptop (10.6 hours/week). Source: Vision Critical
  11. 34% want brands to reach out to them on social media, 33% by email and 28% by online advertisements. Source: Vision Critical
  12. Forty-six percent of U.S. Gen Z consumers research items on mobile devices before making purchases in-store. Source: Precision Dialogue
  13. Sixty percent of Gen Z individuals are more likely than average consumers to hang up if their call isn’t answered in under 45 seconds. Source: Precision Dialogue
  14. Their top three priorities include enjoying life, finding a great job, and becoming a better person.
  15. By 2020 Generation Z will account for 40% of all consumers. Source: Fast Company


Over the years, generation Z has grown substantially, making a recognizable impact on the way businesses function. From demanding interaction through social media to wanting a more personalized touch, these statistics have shown that their preferences are important to consider if you want to continue to grow your revenue and pave a successful path for the future.

Looking to differentiate yourself from a sea of competitors while earning customer loyalty? Read our latest blog post: Four Tips to Increase Customer Satisfaction in a Retail Environment, to stay ahead of the curve!

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