Five Uses for Data and Analytics in Hospitality

Data is an undeniable driver of success in this day and age. Businesses in every industry around the world are using it to get a better idea of who their customers are, what they want, and how they shop. It’s advisable for hotels to follow this trend as well, or else they run the risk of losing guests to competitors who are better equipped to harness the power of their data.

Data helps you make decisions based on traffic

The number of rooms that are occupied at any given time, which seasons attract the most guests, and even weather patterns that drive guests to your property are all important things to know — and data provides real statistics on all of them. When you know how many rooms are filled and when, you can identify factors that drive demand and adjust prices accordingly.

Data enables you to build profiles of your guest base

Knowing who your best guests are allows you to figure out how to attract more of them. Among other things, data can tell you the age of your average guest, how much they spend during their stay, and what kind of add-on products and services they’re likely to purchase. This is useful in not only driving sales, but also determining how to market your hotel, as we’ll cover in the next point.

Data strengthens the development of tailored promotions and marketing plans

You should determine if your client base consists of business or leisure travellers. It doesn’t always have to be one or the other, either — in a growing number of cases, it might be both. Obviously, the way you market to each of these groups will differ significantly. As an example, if the data says the majority of your guests are on your property for conferences, you can then allocate your marketing funds accordingly.

Data allows you to anticipate client needs

We’ve talked before about the importance of knowing what your guests want before they do. It’s key to giving them an excellent experience and encouraging their repeat business. Unless you’re a mind reader, it can be difficult to know exactly what it is that individual guests are looking for during their stay. This is where data comes in. If you know what services they’ve purchased in the past, for example, you can make a reasonable assumption that they’ll want something similar in the future — and then bring it up with them before they have to ask.

Data can show you important opportunities for service improvement

Your staff may provide stellar service and spotless accommodation, but nothing under the sun is perfect, and at least a few of your guests are probably dissatisfied with some aspect of their stay. TripAdvisor reviews, guest surveys, and feedback through mobile guest engagement are all great ways to find out what guests like and do not like about their stay. And once you’ve identified what those aspects are, you can make important changes to your operations to improve them long-term.

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