
2023 Trends
The past 5 years have been a whirlwind for customers and businesses alike. As we’ve taken the time to transition back to in-person experiences, the way that we show up and interact with each other has changed greatly.For many businesses, 2023 will be an extension of 2022 – keeping digital top of mind but finding ways...
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Customer Complaints
Collecting and resolving complaints is an essential part of business.  While collecting them helps you better understand the customer, resolving them effectively can help you recover experiences, build a solid reputation, and ultimately drive loyalty.  So how can you resolve a complaint effectively? In this blog, we’re unpacking the multi-step process of dealing with customer...
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What does omni-channel mean to you?  Over the years, the definition of using multiple channels has changed greatly. At first, it was simply adopting more than one channel, now it’s much more than that. Businesses today must consider the effects of the digital transformation and pandemic on channel preferences, moments of engagement, verbiage and more. ...
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Student satisfaction in bookstore
Ancillary services play a major role in the success of a school. Generating recurring revenue and providing students with the resources they need to make the most of their experience. And while the latest services and products can be beneficial in enhancing revenue, focusing on the experience and ways to drive student satisfaction can be...
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Managing Tickets
Managing tickets are a vital part of many businesses.Allowing customers to initiate conversation, it provides structure to managing an influx of requests while highlighting opportunities for operational efficiency. However, simply adopting a ticket management solution and expecting processes to become more organized, simply isn’t effective. On the contrary, determining a structure for your processes and laying down...
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Analyze CX Data
You’ve onboarded the Loop Experience Platform and just started collecting customer experience data – a great first step in running a successful customer experience program.  Now, while you wait for responses to trickle in, it’s time to turn your attention to Loop’s data collection features and start strategizing how you can make the most out...
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Ticket for Complaint Handling
Receiving customer complaints is inevitable for any organization. Especially ones that are scaling. And, while you can’t always stop a complaint from coming in, there are things you can do to ensure they’re dealt with and resolved to deter future incidents. Ticketing, for example, is a great way to manage and resolve complaints to improve...
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Student Communication
For years, schools have leveraged email as a dominant form of communication.  And, while having email as your only or main channel proved useful in earlier years, today student preferences have changed greatly. In a recent study conducted by Bowling Green State University, more than half of the surveyed students (55.7 percent) said they use...
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Omni Channel Graphic
According to CX Today, 9 out of 10 consumers want an omni-channel experience with seamless service between communication methods. In addition, 35% of customers expect to be able to contact the same customer service representative on any channel. Over the past several years, offering multiple channels has become the norm for businesses. With more and more...
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Sending Email Templates
How you send a survey, highly impacts the number of responses you receive.  While it can be argued there are several factors that go into an optimized response rate, the channel type ultimately determines if your customer sees the message in the first place. This makes it critical to understand the varying channel types and...
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