
the loop experience platform
Customer Loyalty Image
In this blog, we customer retention, how it can improve profits and the tools you can leverage to streamline the process.
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Benbria ROI
In this blog, we're looking at referrals and customer feedback as tools to enhance the customer experience and drive more revenue for optimized return on investment.
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QR Code Reciepe
In this blog post, we're taking a look at centralizing location-based feedback, an effective method to engage customers and collect feedback.
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Hotel Automation
It almost goes without saying that introducing bots to a hospitality setting has the potential for disaster, and hospitality professionals must be careful to balance this technology with the need for impeccable customer service. Here are a few ways to find that balance with hotel automation.
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Customer experience
With today's importance of providing an exceptional customer experience, it’s important to differentiate these two terms. In this blog, we’re defining customer experience and customer service, while highlighting the key differentiators and how you can measure them for greater success. 
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Social Media for Business
In this blog post, to keep you ahead of the social curve we’re taking a look at 5 ways businesses can leverage social media messaging in order to build loyalty with customers and drive revenue.
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Cheval Collection
With many longterm stays, their guest-first approach ensures that everyone is treated individually, providing flexibility to create the perfect home away from home.
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